.......but not forgotten!

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Class of 1961 Deceased Classmates List (597)

Photos from 1961 & 1962 Cornellian




Recent = Death reported in most recent
six months.


Aaron, Howard Berton      
Abel, Roberta Feder           

Adams, Brenda (Soloweigh)                                           

Ahearn, John J.                 

Allan, Arnold M.                  

Allen, Nancy (Gray)            

Allen, Robert E.                       

Alley, Edwin R.                  

Allison, Charles O.               

Allison, Robert W., Jr.       

Ames Jr, Winthrop A        

Anderson, Paul G.              

Andrews Jr,John Thomas

Appel, Eugene                    

Arbuckle, John                        

Arbuckle, Anne F. (Michot) Recent

Arthur, Charles P.              

Awerman,Abraham Irving

Ayer, Robert N                   

Baden, James Paul               Recent

Baker, George Franklin    

Ballantyne, Janet               

Barnett,Thomas Perry      

Bartlett, Carol (Eaton)       

Bastian, Glenn F.                    

Baum, Ellen (Feldman)     

Bauman,Sven Peeter        

Baxter, Richard C.                               

Beckerman, Barry Lee     

Bedosky, Michael J.         

Berlet, Alan Snell              

Bergstrom, Lance C.         

Berns, Anthony D.            

Bernstein,Alvin Howell     

Berry Jr,Irvin Samuel       

Betz, John W.                    

Betzler, Robert A.              

Beutner, Edward C.          

Bidwell, Juliann (Powell) 

Bier, Theodore Michael    

Binyon, Hal Oscar III           

Bird, Ricardo                     

Bischoff,Robert Ludwig   

Blabey, Eugene H.              Recent

Black, Jonathan                      

Blanchflower, Elizabeth (Rothwell)
Bloch, Chana (Faerstein)   

Boardman, David L.          

Bobnick,James Edward   

Bodman III,Elizabeth(Little)

Bomberger, Peter C.          

Bonnie, Richard I.             

Bowman,Charles Reid     

Bowker, Katherine (Taylor)

Boyle, Andrew Jackson   

Boyle, Thomas F.              

Braitman,Howard Ellis     

Brandenburg ,Judith (Berman )

Brandes, Richard D.           Recent
Braun, R. Kenneth

Brandi, Holten                     

Brandon, Douglas                  

Broadhead,John Durwood

Brody, James A.                     

Brockman, Frank E.            

Brodnicki,James Stanley  

Brown, Alanson C. III            

Brown, Niles F.                    

Brumbaugh, Donna (Wheat)

Brunori, Carlo R.                

Buck, Louisa (Friedrich)    

Buckle,Robert Cameron   

Buckles,Richard George   

Buhler,Carl Peter                

Burdick, Douglas D.           

Busch, Gary Kenneth            Recent

Campbell, Raymond L.      

Cantor, David J.                   Recent

Capra, Edward A.               

Carlson, Robert C.             

Carpenter,Gerald Frank    

Carpenter,Walter Juliand Grant

Carrette, Louise (Cowherd)

Carrette, Edward Hunter    

Casey, Michael P.              

Charles,Margot (Gratz)     

Chodorow, Ingram             

Christen, Gerald E.            

Christian,Vance Allen     

Christianson, Daniel T.    

Citkowitz, Elena                

Clark,Janet (Alexander)   

Claypoole, Nancy (Tetzlaff)

Clendenin,William Dwight

Clyburn, John H.                

Codrington, Garrett Rix      

Cohen,Carol (Rosenberg)


Cole,Stephen Adams        

Coleman, Richard  E.          

Collins, Daniel J.                      

Cone, James F., Jr.                 

Connelly,Joyce (Kitts)       

Cook, Philip J.                    

Cowan, Patricia (Pearl)    

Cramer, Stanton H.           

Craver,David Francis        

Crowe,Douglas Drayer    

Crowley, Mary Anne (Marion)

Crowther, Richard A.         

Curry, Ronald Hastings       

Davidson, Winslow A.         

Davis,James Norman        

Dawson, Kathryn (Hansbury)

Degenfelder, Pauline (Sutta)

Delill-Johnson, Ann                           

Dendis, Charles John         

De Mont, John David        

Dittman, David J.               

Dowd, Finbar A.                 

Dowling, Catherine Lynd   

Drake, William Joseph      

Dunning, Patricia A.          
Duvert, Michael                 

Dwyer, Patrick J. Dr.         

Ebbert, Martin B.                     

Eddy,Allen Gilbert           

Edwards,Richard John     

Eiler, Paul Nicholson        

Eisenberg, Stuart A.          

Ellis, Martha (Schutz)        

Ely, Roscoe J.                    

Emmi,Salvatore Anthony  

Englemore, Anthony R.     

Eriksen,John Harcourt      

Erwin, Lorna (Watt)             

Evans, Robert D.                 

Everson, Barbara(Ballweg)

Ewen, Wellington A.          

Faerstein, Florence I.        

Fanning, Charles R.          

Fairbanks, Jonathan R., Jr.

Fantino, Edmund J.           

Farrell, Margaret G.              Recent

Faust, Mary Jane (Quinby)

Feenstra, Susan (Mills)       

Fenton, John W.                 

Fenton, Sudharman           \

Feuss,Donald Frederick   

Fidlar, Charles L.                

Fineman, Robert A.            

Fink, Lawrence H.              

Finkenauer, Frederick E.    
Finkston, Amy (Chasnoff)  

Finlay, Donald D.               

Finnerty, John M.              

Firestone, Ira J.                  

Fisher, Perry W.                 

Flack, Roy S.                      

Fleischauer, John F.          

Fleischer, Bernard M.       

Fleischman, Mark               Recent

Flood, Peter J.                         

Foose,Nancy (Jaynes)      

Ford, James P.                   

Fowler,Justine Ann (George)

Frauenthal, Stephen            

Francyk,William Peter        

Frankel, Kenneth M.           

Franklin,Alan Herbert         

Franklin, Carol (Gittlin)      

Fraser,Lawrence Alan       

Freed,Hermine (Gerberg) 

Friedman, Richard E.       

French, G. Denny              

Funsch, Suzanne (Allen)   

Furno,Daryl (Davis)           

Gaertner, Donald A.           

Galayda, Joseph               

Gallant, Suzanne (Schiff)  

Gamble, Robert C.            

Gatje,Michael Rhodes      

Geismar,Peter Maxwell    

Genaway, Robert F.         

Genung,Robert David       

Getchonis, James A.        
Gillen, Lynne (Conner)       

Gibson, Barbara (DeYoung)

Ginsburg,Carol (Altschuler)

Gittins, Thomas W.              

Gjurasic, Anne (DeForest)  

Goell, Tamara Greenberg   Recent

Goff, Richard D.                       

Goldman, Joyce (Berger)   

Goodman, Mark S.             

Gordon, David W.                   

Gould, Paul F.                           

Gould, Paul H.                          

Graham, Gail (Petras)           

Grandchamp, Robert J.    

Gray,John Michael            

Greenberg, Peter W.           Recent

Gresham,Dean Richard     

Griffin, Bradley L.                   

Groenendijk, Marthinius   

Grossbard, Daniel               

Grout, David C.                  

Gryczynski, Edward S.       

Guerre,Robert Peter          

Guffey III, William F.              

Haas, Melvin L.                    

Hackett, John R.                 

Hall,Donna (Masterson)     

Hall,Ronald Leroy                     
Harris, Bruce S.                   

Hart, Arthur J.                            

Haumacher,Ralph William 

Havender,William Renfro   

Hawkins,John Kenneth B. 

Haworth, David P.                

Haymes, Dan B.                  

Hecht,Brenda (Clucas)       

Heine, Richard F.                 

Hemstreet, David A.             

Henzlik, Raymond E.           

Heppes, Donald W. Jr.        

Heron, Donald M.                

Herrmann,Robert Louis     

Hertzendorf,Irving Isaac    

Hiestand,Robert Andrews 

Hicks, John W.                     

Hill, Donald T.                           

Hill, Gary W.                         

Hill, Helen (Brady)              

Hines,James John             

Hoag,Dean Leo                     

Hoffman, George H.                 

Holahan, George F.             

Holmes, McDonald J.            Recent

Honzawa, Hirokuni Y.         

Horlock,Robert Farnsworth

Hosmer,John Fraser          

Hoverman, Bruce A.         

Howard,Linda (Loomis)    

Hudson, Glenn C.              

Hurtig, Gunnar III                    

Iorillo, Mario A.                    

Jabbs, John M.                         

Jacquette, Barbara (Leech)

Jacquette, James G.           

Jaycox, Robert Harold      

Jayne, Donald L.                

Jeffers, Barbara (Ricciardi) Recent

Joachim, Andrew G.          

Johnson, Bruce J.             

Johnson,Eleanor Anne      

Johnson, Janet H.               

Kammerer, William S.          

Katz, Marshall P.                      

Kaweske, Robert S.           

Kalcheim, Leonard, M.      

Kay, Robert B.                    

Kay, Michael Z,                   

Keenan, G. Collyer             

Keller,John Calvin             

Kempster, Lois (Beard)    

Kerns, William J., Jr.            

Kessler, David S.               

Kestler, Carol (Levine)      

Kitamura,Roy Satoshi       
Kleckner, Kerry R.                   

Kleckner,Virginia (Farrell)   

Klein, Victor                         

Kloverstrom, Carl A.           

Knaebel, Jeffrey James     

Knight, J. Edward Jr.          

Knopf, Norman G.                 Recent

Kochli, Robert E.                  

Kofatos, Fotis                       

Kogan, Nancy (Wickner)    
Kolber, Fredric H.                    
Kolker, Robert J.                 

Kooser, Ronald P.                

Kramer, Edward J.               

Kraus, Alan D.                      

Kreiley, William S.              

Kroll, Arthur H.                    

Kulick,Richard Seymour   

Kunz, Harold G., Jr.             

Kurlansik, Henry S.             

Kurtz, Edward J., Jr.           

Lamb,Richard Alden         

Lander, Bruce Edward      

Lanman, Henry A.              

Latimore,James Rodgers  

Laven, Kenyon S.                     
Lawrence, Dana B.                  

Leatherman Jr,John Burtchell

Lee, Charles R.                     Recent

LePage, Bruce E.                     

Legler, John B.                   

Lehmann, Karl A. M.              

Leitzes, Stanley M.              

Lenhard, Aloysius A.             

Lerman, David I.                  

Levander, Orville A.               


Levinson, Alfred                 

Levinson, Victor                   Recent

Lewis, Gardner L.                

Leynse, Judith (Light)        

Lindemann, Stephen W.     

Lipsky, David B.                   

Loane, Mary Pat (Bond)       

Loeb, Marshall J.                  

Loew,Franklin Martin             

Long-Walther, Eleanor V.   

Lonnberg, Mary                  


Loughlin, Caroline (Keller)

Lundberg, David A.             

Mabry, Charles B., Jr.        

MacDonald, Charles S.      

MacEachon, Malcolm R.     

Magee, William D.               

Major, David A.                    

Malakoff, Herbert David     

Male, Carolyn J.                   

Malti, George M.                       

Mandel, John Simpson      

Mandel, Kenneth L.                

Mann, Shelley                     

Marker,Peter M.                   

Markley, F. Landis Jr.          

Marks,Glenn Warren            

Marshall, Virginia (Lucie)    

Martin, Hugh S.                     

Martin, Thomas Sherwood Recent

Master, Alan E.                     

Matteson, M. Scott               

Mayhew,Ronald Frank       

McAlister,James Bernard  

McCarthy Jr,Francis Joseph

McChesney,Ann (Seefeldt)

McClumpha, David             

McCracken,Lynn Herbert  

McCullough, John Alexander

McDougall,George Clifford

McGonagle,Glen Rodney  

McKee, J. Brian                        

McKee,James Rolland       

McManus, Joy (Aungier)   

McPeek, Nancy (Hislop)    

Mee, Delbert R.                     

Meeker, Arlo                         Recent

Meinig, Peter Carl                

Merkle, Carol                       

Merrell, Nancy                     

Merrill, Frederick T.             

Merrin, Elaine (Cohen)       

Metcalf, Allan Albert           

Meyer, John M.                   

Milks,Stephen Gardner      

Millens, Sabina                    

Miller,Craig Jeffery             

Miller, James                       

Miller, John R.                      

Miller, Robert Stephen         Recent

Millman, Robert B.               

Minikes, Stephan M.           

Mitchell, Ann (Partridge)    

Moebus, William F.              

Moeller, Peter H.                   

Montgomery,Louis Brooks

Moore, Craig A.                      Recent

Moore, James Conklin         

Moore, Richard Dawson     

Moorhouse, William J.         

Moran, Alice C.                    

Moran,Robert Francis        

Morrill, Daniel D.                  

Morris, Rosemary (Poole)  

Moseley, Harry H. II              
Mosher, Robert Tynan       

Moyer, Ronald W.               

Murphy,Michael Matthew  

Munson, Reverdy L.              

Myers,Richard Carl             

Myszkowski, Eugene Jr.     

Neely, Merral B.                   

Nees Jr,Louis August                             

Nestor, Ralph W. Jr.            

Nettles, Charles R.              

Nevinger, Roger S.             

Newton, Guy A.                   

Nikolaieff,Rosalind (Mills)  

Niles, Edwin E.                     

Nolan, James Robert           

Nordlinger,Eric Allen          

Normand,Robert William    

Norwood,Kendall Stuart    

Nugent, Donald J.               

O'Bannon,George Washington

O'Brien, Frank L. III              

Ochester, Clarinda (Horner) Recent 

Ognibene,Josephine Ann  

Olshin,Arnold Stephen       

Orseck,David Elliot              

Ottaway,Helen Burling      

Pachynski, Alvin L. Jr.         

Palmer, John L.                   

Pappas, Jennie (Iocano)    

Parker,Philip Stanley          

Pastor, Juan J.                   

Passaro, Louis R.                

Pearson,Charles Monosmith

Perisho, Gordon S.             

Perkins, Richard C.                

Perrin,Robert James          

Perrott, Sandra J.                

Peticolas, Virginia (Wolf)     

Petry, John C.                       

Phillips, Ronald E.              

Pitkin,David Wagner          

Plaue,Rudolf Otto               

Popp,Richard Howard        

Poser,Gary Evan                 

Price, Stephen B.                

Primack, Theodore D.       

Protage, Barry S.                

Puckett,Penelope (Nixon) 

Putnam, David W.C.           

Raab, William J.                  

Rantzman, Jon A.               

Raphael, Paul S.                 

Rather III,James Burness 

Ray, Robert W.                    

Rector,Edwin Peter            

Reilly, William C.                  

Revson, Peter R.                  

Richards,Gerard Pius        

Richmond, Frank R.           

Rieger, Carolyn J.              

Rieley, Sheldon C.               Recent

Riley, Martha J.                    

Robbins, Edward                  

Roberts, Mary Sussman    

Roberts, Rebecca (Schenck)

Robinson,Lee Harris          

Roche,William Jay              

Roederer,John Stephen    

Roehl, Richard W.                   

Rohrs, Douglas W.                
Ross, Lawrence D.               

Rolland, William C.             


Rovine, Phyllis (Hamburger)

Rosenberg, Paul                   

Rosenzweig, David N.          

Rudd, David R.                     

Saler,Stephen Bernard        

Sander, Ronald C.                 

Santamaria, Joseph W.         Recent

Sargent, John Aaron            

Sayer, Donald L.                  

Schaap, William H.                   

Schenker, L. Michael            Recent
Schimmel, Mark K.                    

Schmetterling, Eleanor (Boykoff)

Schmidt, Robert H.              

Schmidt, William F.             

Schmitt, Alan R.                     Recent

Schultz, Herbert David       

Schwerner, Michael             

Sclavakis,Deborah (Avery)

Scott, Matteson M.                    

Sears, Beverly (Hoppe)      

Sears, James Francis         

Sebsow,George Michael    

Sellick, Gene W.                   

Seward, Gordon L.              

Shanks, David C.                 

Shapley, Allen E.                  Recent

Shappee, Robert Duane     

Shea, Harriet (Palmer)        

Shear, John F.                     

Shore,Boyd Harvey            

Shrawder, Carl F.                 Recent

Sichel, Michael B                

Sidney, Phillip J.                  

Siegel, Tema L.                   

Silverman, Sharon M.          

Simpson, Richard Lyman   Recent

Sitkin, Peter E.                          

Skillman, David M.              

Sloan, George A.                

Slutsky,Charles Alan         

Smith, Jeanette S.              

Smith, John H.                     

Smith Jr,Dewey Lee           

Smith,Mechthild (Buschman)

Snyder, Alan T.                  

Sochacki,Joseph Laur      

Solazzo, Edward F.             

Solounias, Aristotelis        

Spencer,Michael David     

Spindler, James W.            

Sprague, David T.               

Staab, Diane (Thomas)         

Stackhouse, Asa M. III          

Starobin,Robert Saul          

Steele, Bruce R.                     Recent

Steffen, Herbert J.                

Stewart,Duncan James      

Stillinger, Arthur G.              Recent

Stoner,Abby (Coburn)        

Stoner,Fred Binkley           

Strong, Donald M.               

Stukenberg, Leslie Robert

Summerskill, John Prof.    

Sundstrom, Warren                

Sutherland, Jeffrey C.          Recent

Sweeny, William E.               

Swiller, Hillel I.                     

Teich,Robert Scott             

Tasker, Arthur                     

Tatlow, Richard H.               

Taylor, Milton W.                  

Tennant, E. Alan                 

Tersigni, Patrick F.             

Thompson, Bill T.               

Thompson, George E.        

Thorsen Robert S.             

Tibbetts,James Roland       

Tipton, Stephen                       

Toffler,Rene (Steinberg)     

Tondro, Terry J.                         

Trages, Albert P.                   

Treadwell, John P.                

Trimpey, John E.                  

Truran, James W.                   

Turner, Margaret (Stack)      

Uber,Donald Clifton             

Unsworth, Margaret (Conger)

Van Arsdale, Lee O.              

Van Der Gaag, Richard       

Van Slyke, Gary K.                  

Vaughans, Lewis D.            

Veit, Hugo P.                        

Vincent, Alexander B.           Recent

Volpert, William A.              

Wagoner, J. Clifford           

Wallace, Alan Barrett         

Walsh Jr., G Lauriston       

Wardwell, David J.             

Waters, Robert Shaw          

Watson, Robert L.               

Weber, Wilfried Theodor    

Weiss, Roger James             Recent

West, John Peter                

Westbrook,Robert Lincoln 

Westcott, Nancy Louise     

Wetherly, Ian R.                    

Weyand, Richard L.                
Whalen, Marjorie (Sze)            

Whaley, Fred R., Jr.               

Wheelwright, Peter W.        

Wiegand, Richard K.           

Whiskeman, James P.         

Whitaker, Donald                     

Whiting, David W.               

Whitney, Douglas E.            

Wiener, Suzanne (Wolff)      

Wightman,Phyllis Grace     

Wilbur, Allen P.                    
Williams, Barbara (Merrifield)

Williams, Stuart F.                

Williams, Timothy J.            

Wilson, Stephen Jay             Recent

Winokur, Susan (Sternblitz)

Wiseman, William F.           

Wolfe, Reginald Ellis           


Wolk,George Michael          

Wood, Janet (Trampler)     

Wooley, Paul V. III               

Wrede, Robert K.                    

Yamaguchi, Yuji A.                 

Yeager,Anne Stone             

Zaluski, Joseph Vincent     

Zepernick,Frederick Hyrcanus

Zimmer,Linda Bell               

Zimmer,Richard Dain          

Zwingelstein, Bruce A.        


The "Evening Song" performed by ChimesMaster Victor Lin '01, '02 in The Cornell Chimes CD Album, "Far Above Cayuga's Waters."


December 2024 Update