Minutes of
Class of ’61 Meeting
Feb. 22, 2020
Wisteria Room,
Westin Las Vegas
Jim Moore
Larry Wheeler
Diane Meaken
Susan Stevens
Doug Fuss
Rosanna Frank
Marshall Frank
Doug Uhler
Carol Franklin via conference call
Pauline Degenfelder part time via conference
Geri Moore
Joanna Uhler
Cornell Alumni
Affairs: Kate Freyer first 30 minutes
Class Profile:
Contact Method Summary
Alumni Non Degreed Grand
Living Alumni 1,319 569
Reachable by E-mail: 778 87
Reachable by phone: 876 150
Reachable by post: 1,110
215 1,325
Class financial
summary as of 12/31/19
Class Account
Balance: $51,519 (not clear
whether all available, since this account is used to pay Alumni magazine
subscriptions from Class dues received)
Long Term Investment acct: $83,522 (6.3% increase over last year)
Class of 1961 Scholarship Fund: $197,673 (paid out $8,479)
Michael Schwerner Mem. Fund: $156,844 (paid out $6,708)
Total Class Giving thru 6/30/19: $221,140,443
Reunion June 10 – 13, 2021
Class headquarters will be Mews on the North campus. Standard for
60th Reunion classes. Has AC and doubles, but no private bathrooms.
There will be a block of rooms (23) set aside at the Statler and
also the Best Western Motel (considerably less expensive) Both will open in
Oct. 2020.
Pat Tatlow has volunteered to put together a continuous slide show to
be running at class HQ. Would like classmates to submit pictures (no children
or grandchildren, please) Pat should prepare an email soliciting pictures with
instructions on the best format. Larry suggested jpegs which can also be
included on our Class website.
Rosanna is responsible for food with possible assistance from Jay
Treadwell. While there will be a tent available next to our HQ, there was a
strong sentiment against having any meals there. Appel Commons is next door to
Mews, has a multi-purpose room which is available for Thursday night dinner as
well as breakfasts.
Dinner venues, need to have 1st and 2nd
choices by July. Current thinking is Friday: Klarman or Statler; Saturday:
Trillium or Martha Van. The latter being preferred since just a short walk to
Bailey after dinner for Corneliana night. Although
Trillium is also relatively close to Bailey.
General feeling is that only one lunch provided by class; Friday or
Saturday to be decided later.
Transportation to/from HQ and events as well as to/from Statler/
HQ/ events, will be handled by Alumni Affairs. No need to have a classmate
Strong sense against having a separate class forum or any afterglow
class speakers. Should maximize what the University offers all reunion classes.
Program booklet will be available at registration.
stimulate attendance at out 60th, Doug Uhler has suggested the
following initiative: “The way we used to
work this progress in the past was to work with affinity groups. Now several
members of the class think it might be better to work with calling friends and
asking them to attend. The thought is that we come to reunions more to see
friends and if “I am going, and I would like to see you” is a more powerful
message than the past efforts. If I call someone and then you call the same person
with a similar invite, we might get a few more attendees. Doug has already e-mailed attendees of
our last 2 reunions outlining his suggestion and asking for comments.
Kick-off is scheduled for Oct. 2, 2020 in Ithaca for Reunion co-chairs where
final decisions and schedules will be made.
Class of 1961 Gift in memory of Peter Meinig
on discussions among Dick Tatlow, Ellen G. Walsh, Alumni Affairs & Development,
Principal Gifts, and Jennifer Sawyer, University Library, two possibilities
Peter C. Meinig
Class of 1961 Memorial Leadership Award - This would enable the Meinig
School of Biomedical Engineering to recognize a graduating senior with demonstrated
leadership characteristics throughout their time at Cornell. An endowment gift
of $100,000 would enable an annual award of $3,000 - $4,000.
Peter C. Meining
Class of 1961 Memorial Reading Room
– While students at Cornell, Pete and Nancy would meet at the Library. A gift
of $100,000 to name the Reading Room would recognize the special connection
Pete and Nancy shared with the Library, and the importance to their lives
consensus of those present favored the 2nd option - The Library
Reading room.
there are sufficient funds available in our Class accounts to support either
option at $100,000, the general feeling is that we should offer class mates the
opportunity to also contribute, with the Class matching dollar for dollar up to
a maximum of $50,000.
needs to be coordinated with our 60th Reunion Fund Raising Campaign,
perhaps offering contributors to designate part or all of their contributions
to the Reading Room.
is selected from the Class to lead our 60th reunion campaign needs to
coordinate with the corresponding person from Cornell Development who will be
working with our Class on how best to handle this.