
Class of 1961 Meeting

Friday, February 2, 2018


Location:       Cornell Alumni Leadership Conference

                        Marriott Downtown, Philadelphia, PA



Class Members in Attendance:


Dick Tatlow, Pauline Degenfelder, Marshall Frank, Rosanna (Romanelli) Frank, Jim Moore, Peter Greenberg, Larry Wheeler, Carol Franklin (Phone).


President, Dick Tatlow, called the meeting to order at 9:00 AM.


Financial Reports:


Walt Cottrell sent in the year ending Class Account Figures:


1.  Class Account Balance 12-31-2016       $35,251

      Class Account Balance 12-31-2017      $39,171


2. Class Long Term Investment Account


                        Balance 12-31-2016             $67,308

                        Balance 12-31-2017             $75,198


            Note: The Cornell Fund performance for this account in 2017 was +11.7%. These funds were started with $35,000 deposited over three years 2002, 2004, and 2007.



3. Two Class of 1961 Scholarships:


            Class of 1961 Scholarship @ March 31, 2017                               $183,000

            Michael Schwerner Memorial Scholarship @ March 31, 2017    $139,000


Note: These figures are rounded. The first paid out $9,200 that goes to classmate’s children, grandchildren, and then, if not assigned, to general need based individuals. The second paid out $6,870 that goes to general need based individuals interested in civil rights.


Total lifetime giving for our class through June 30, 2016 is $200,145,986.





Financial discussions and comments


1. It was noted that the Cornell Fund performances of the two scholarships over the same period to March 31, 2017 were different. The main scholarship increased 10.8% while the MSMS fund increased 18.1%. Why?


2. The class received $1,471 from LTIP fund. We need to understand more about the LTIP fund.


3. We were advised that removing funds from our investment account was not possible unless all was removed at the same time. Why?


4. Dick Tatlow with Walt Cottrell will review and get answers to the above questions.



The Reunion Committee


Pauline Degenfelder, Co-Chair of Reunion, Co-Chair Jim Moore, along with Co-Chair Carol Franklin led the discussion on the planning for our 60th.


Pauline provided an outline on the specific responsibilities of the reunion committee members. Robin Bissell has been added and assigned duties for transportation. Kate Freyer  (our main contact in Alumni Affairs), and Lauren Coffey (who will take over for Kate on our 60th year) attended the reunion portion of our meeting for 30 minutes. Notes and discussions one various topics were as follows:


1. We will follow the planning and experience of each 60th reunioning class for ideas and adjustments to our planning. The current class is 1958.


2. Housing for our classmates will be a dorm (Mews Hall), Statler, and local hotels. For the class of 1957 last year 52% stayed in the dorm. They had 152 people returning of which 81 were classmates. 66% arrived on Thursday.  We did not have feedback on the Statler for this class. Lauren Coffey thought Statler rooms were offered at $240/nite but rooms with a view would be more – she will check. We also were advised that Alumni Affairs has contracts with local hotels at varying price points.


3. The theme for the 60th is Great Journeys and Jon Greenleaf has worked out our logo using out historical one. Pauline showed us the result, and Larry will post it to our website.


4. It was noted that some classmates might have special needs. The University can help but needs to know in advance. There are liability concerns that may limit certain assistance. They do provide assistance with luggage at the University’s expense.


Parking at both Mews and Appel Commons (our headquarters) was not clear.


5. It was agreed to use some of our funds to subsidize the reunion. While these funds need to be available to all equally, we do and should make available some assistance to those in need to attend as requested.


6. The idea of using a “friendship tree” as an alternative to the old Affinity Groups was questioned. Can this be effective? What was our experience at the 55th by Doug Uhler? Dick Tatlow will follow.


Reunion Committee Thoughts from the 2017 Meeting.


1. Most importantly, Pauline Degenfelder and Carol Franklin welcome your ideas and interest in working on reunion planning. They would like to see new folks involved. Please contact them at pdegenfeld@aol.com and cgfranklin@aol.com.


2. The survey from our 55th reunion cautioned against over-scheduling at the expense of social time. We reunion chairs are interested in your thoughts. Please answer this question: If you had to choose one activity, such as entertainment or lecture, what would it be? Please send your suggestions to Pauline at  pdegenfeld@aol.com




Other Topics of Discussion


1. Peter Meinig: Discussion continues on what the class can do to honor the memory of our classmate Peter Meinig who gave so much to Cornell. Among other ideas was a bust at the Bio Science Center funded by the Meinigs, or a plaque to the n150th memorial. One of the problems is that Nancy Meinig was his partner in these endeavors and not having her also memorialized was not right.


Marshall suggested that when we do define a project that funding should be a combination of class assets and a request for additional contributions.


2. At the next CALC, the officer group attending should be sure that local classmates are aware of the event and are invited to participate in the class meeting and dinner. The will have to be a cut off time for the dinner as reservations may be difficult. The choice of restaurants should be reviewed in advance to be sure of the best food quality, service, location, availability, and prices are selected.


3. Class Events: The class has not assembled an event over the past year plus. Marshall suggested a tour of Cornell Tech combined with a lunch. Saturday would be the best day. Marshall will reach out to organize such an event soon perhaps in April. The number of folks allowed by the school needs to be determined.



Respectfully Submitted


Richard H. Tatlow IV, President