Geologic Aspects of Arts Quad Buildings Visible from the Fifth Floor of the Johnson Museum
Commentary: President Emeritus and Emeritus Professor of Geology, Dr. Frank H.T. Rhodes
Photos: University Photography, Cornell University
Bonus Video: Cornell Professor of Architecture Vince Mulcahy
Tjaden (Rand Hall) and Sibley are built
from the Silurian Medina Sandstone from Western New York. The Silurian Period
extended from 443–416 million years ago. The roof slate on Tjaden comes from New York and Vermont and is of
Ordovician age (488-443 million years ago).
Tjaden Hall
Silurian Medina Sandstone
Sibley Hall
Sibley Hall Stone
Lincoln Hall
Lincoln Hall Stone
Morrill and White Halls were the first
classroom buildings constructed at Cornell, together with McGraw and the Ezra
Cornell statue. Morrill is named for the legislator who sponsored the federal
Land Grant University Act. Many state universities have a Morrill Hall. These
buildings are constructed of Ithaca Sandstone, which was quarried from what is
now the west of Libe Slope. The outline of this quarry can still be seen. The
rock is of Devonian age (416-359 million years ago). The limestone around the
windows of these buildings was quarried about 25 miles north of the Cornell
campus near what is now Wells College. It is also of Devonian age and has
fossil pelecypods, brachiopods and corals preserved in it.
Morrill Hall
McGraw Hall
White Hall
Ithaca Sandstone
Goldwin Smith is constructed of Berea
Sandstone, quarried from Northern Ohio. It is of Mississippian age. The
Mississippian Period extended from 359-318 million years ago.
Goldwin Smith Hall
Berea Sandstone
Many of these buildings also have brick as
part of their structure and the interiors and parts of the exteriors also have
a few notable stones from other areas. The exteriors of White and Morrill, for
example, have Coeymans Limestone from
New York as the foundation for the exterior stair rails. The Limestone is of
Devonian age (416-359 million years ago).
Bonus Video:
The Cornell Arts Quad: Accident or Design? (May 26, 2010) Cornell professor of architecture Vince Mulcahy describes the history of Cornell's Arts Quad--from the first "Stone Row" building to the Johnson Museum.